52nd Annual Report

2023 -2024

2023 - 2024 OVERVIEW

Thomas E. Sullivan, MD
President, SeniorCare Board of Directors

Thomas E. Sullivan, MD
SeniorCare Board of Directors

Scott Trenti, CEO

Scott Trenti
Chief Executive Officer

A Message from the SeniorCare
Board President and Chief Executive Officer

SeniorCare continues to be a leader and expert provider of services to older adults on the North Shore. Our dedication to deliver high quality programs and services to older adults, caregivers, adults with disabilities, and others did not waver despite the challenges we faced in 2023-2024, namely the on-going workforce shortage of in-home providers. We pride ourselves on problem solving, creativity in service provision, and commitment to our mission.

Over the past year, we expanded our search for new and creative ways to meet the needs of those we serve. SeniorCare is committed to the use of consumer-facing technology and is always on the lookout for innovative technology to support older adults. This year, through grants and a new partnership with Tech Goes Home, we offered classes on the use of computers. Participants received Chromebooks, which they kept after the completion of the class and assistance with internet access. We expanded our partnership with care.coach to include QMedic, which offers cellular personal emergency responders in case of crises such as falls in addition to a care.coach tablet. Through the generous support of Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, we expanded in-home assistance to older adults, increased computer classes, and offered virtual reality sessions which will continue in the coming year.

Recognizing the increased needs of caregivers, we expanded our efforts to assist caregivers, many who are helping their loved ones with dementia. Through a grant from the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, we implemented our Assisting Care Partners to Thrive (ACT) program which offers a variety of special events with other community organizations and businesses. In-person and virtual support groups provide a safe and welcoming space for caregivers to share their caregiving experiences, challenges, and successes.

This year SeniorCare reached out to Human Resources teams of large employers and gave presentations to hundreds of North Shore employees, increasing awareness of services available.

We are excited to now offer supportive housing at Garden City Towers in Beverly where a Coordinator and congregate dining are available to residents for information and referral, fun activities, home care services, and nutritious meals.

SeniorCare expanded our Consumer Directed State Home Care Program whereby an older adult can become the employer and hire whomever they want, including family members, friends, neighbors, or others who will be paid to provide the care needed.

As always, we have many to thank for assisting us with carrying out our mission. This includes our many community partners, contracted providers, and grant and Foundation funders. With gratitude, we thank the many donors who have supported us this year, allowing us to continue unfunded and underfunded services and to create new innovative services to meet people’s needs. Thank you to our Board of Directors and Advisory Council for the time they dedicate to SeniorCare. It goes without saying that we could not do what we do without our amazing and committed staff and volunteers who embrace our mission each day to improve the quality of life for those we serve.

We are so excited for the coming year!

Age Friendly walks for caregivers and their care recipients with Essex County Greenbelt Association, followed by lunch for all participants, were one of the many activities planned through the new Assisting Care Partners to Thrive (ACT) program.
Age Friendly walks for caregivers and their care recipients with Essex County Greenbelt Association, followed by lunch for all participants, were one of the many activities planned through the new Assisting Care Partners to Thrive (ACT) program.
David Nelson from QMedic--shown here with a robotic comfort pet-- was one of the vendors who demonstrated a variety of technological items available to consumers at SeniorCare's Tech Fair in February.
David Nelson from QMedic--shown here with a robotic comfort pet-- was one of the vendors who demonstrated a variety of technological items available to consumers at SeniorCare's Tech Fair in February.
photo from March for Meals campaign
Gloucester Mayor Greg Verga joined with SeniorCare Board member and Meals on Wheels volunteer driver Vito LaMura at the Rose Baker Senior Center to discuss the importance of the Meals on Wheels program and deliver meals in Gloucester.

Docents at Cape Ann Museum participated in the Dementia Friends Informational Workshop-- learning about the experience of living with dementia and discovering tools to help them better support any of their visitors who may need assistance due to dementia.


Friendly Calls Continue After Loss

A long-time volunteer with SeniorCare’s RSVP Volunteers of the North Shore, Stan, passed away 1 1/2 years ago. It was a tremendous loss for all who knew him, especially his wife, Charlotte.

Read full story here.

A Congregate Housing Success Story

Kathleen recently moved into a congregate housing unit, a shared living environment designed to integrate the housing and service needs of older residents. The goal of congregate housing is to increase self-sufficiency through the provision of supportive services in a residential setting.

Read full story here.

Supporting Family Caregivers

Caregiving can be fulfilling and joyful, but it can also be challenging, difficult work. It can result in significant emotional, physical, and financial strain on the caregiver and can be isolating. Many caregivers report feeling alone in their role. While they focus on taking care of someone else, caregivers need to remember to take care of themselves too.

Read full story here.


New Software in SeniorCare Human Resources Department

The new Paycom Human Resources Information System (HRIS) will significantly transform our Human Resources department by streamlining processes, reducing manual tasks, and enhancing data accuracy. This upgrade will lead to increased efficiency, allowing us to focus more on strategic initiatives and providing more support and training to our employees.

New Software in SeniorCare Fiscal Department

During Fiscal Year 2024 the SeniorCare Fiscal Department implemented a new, cloud-based accounting system.  The package offers higher levels of security, simplified data entry, robust reporting options and a more “real-time” method of tracking financial activity.


SeniorCare FY2023 - 2024 Cash Flow

chart showing dollars spent by category
chart showing dollars spent per town for home care services
chart showing changes in home care services expenditures between 2023 and 2024
photo from 2023 Anniversary Celebration
ABC Home Healthcare Professionals were the Presenting sponsor at the 51st Anniversary Celebration at Danversport in 2023.
photo of sunset cruise in July 2023
SeniorCare’s Sunset Cruise Fundraiser returned in July. Thank you to Cape Ann Whale Watch and DJ Scottie Mac for providing a fun night.
photo from Meals on Wheels fundraiser breakfast in 2024
Cape Ann Motor Inn and Precision Roofing Services of New England supported the 50th Annual Meals on Wheels Fundraiser Breakfast at the Gloucester House.

Grantors, Donors, and How You Can Help

How Can You Help?

Your support helps SeniorCare provide more meaningful services. We work diligently to go above and beyond the baseline services that state and federal funding offer. Many of SeniorCare's services (i.e.,

Your financial contribution enhances SeniorCare's Meals on Wheels program, supports our Protective Services program, helps to increase the number of volunteers we recruit to drive older residents to their medical appointments, and more!

Your donation will help ensure people receive the support they need to remain safely in their home and in their community of family and friends as they age.

Make a donation now.

Grantors list

Addison Gilbert Hospital
AmeriCorps Seniors
Andrew W. Preston Charity Fund Trust
Applied Materials Foundation
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Beverly Hospital
Cape Ann Community Foundation
Coburn Charitable Trust
Cummings Foundation, Inc.
EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Electric Insurance
Essex County Community Foundation
Institution for Savings Charitable Foundation
Katharine C. Pierce Trust
M&T Charitable Foundation
Massachusetts Broadband Institute
Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Meals on Wheels America
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
New England Biolabs Foundation
North Shore Community Health Network
Point32Health Foundation
Sarah A.W. Devens Trust
Susan Bradbury Animal Welfare Fund

Click here for full list of donors for FY23-24

planned giving logo

Consider leaving a legacy of your continued support and caring that will impact future generations of older adults.

Learn More About the SeniorCare Planned Giving program

photo of participants at free screening of Singin' in the Rain at The Cabot.
Caregivers and other friends of SeniorCare enjoyed a carefree afternoon at a free screening of Singin' in the Rain at The Cabot.
photo of 100th birthday celebration with a SeniorCare consumer
SeniorCare consumer, volunteer, and friend Mary Famiglietti of Hamilton marked her 100th birthday. At SeniorCare’s RSVP Volunteer Luncheon in March, Mary was awarded the President’s Lifetime Achievement award for serving more than 4,000 hours of service. On May 1st, State Representative Kristin Kassner visited Mary at her home with Mary's SeniorCare Care Manager Faye Barrett, RSVP Director Ruth Lindsay, and Mary’s two devoted daughters, Jean Fucillo and Nancy Malatesta.
photo from NAPSA conference
SeniorCare joined with care.coach for a presentation at the August 2023 National Adult Protective Services Association Conference in Boston. The presentation was on the use of care.coach and the benefits it offers to protective services consumers.
Sonja “Sunny” Dahlgren Pryor was honored with the Myra L. Herrick Outstanding Older American Award in recognition of her 60-plus years of extraordinary work with Chorus North Shore, enriching the cultural landscape of the North Shore.
Sonja “Sunny” Dahlgren Pryor was honored with the Myra L. Herrick Outstanding Older American Award in recognition of her 60-plus years of extraordinary work with Chorus North Shore, enriching the cultural landscape of the North Shore.
Beverly Dolinsky, PhD, was acknowledged with the Rosemary F. Kerry Community Service Award for her advocacy on behalf of older adults. Dr. Dolinsky is a long-standing member of SeniorCare’s Advisory Council and was a member and Secretary of the Council on Aging in Essex. She co-authored Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Victimological and Psychological Perspective which was published in 2019.
Beverly Dolinsky, PhD, was acknowledged with the Rosemary F. Kerry Community Service Award for her advocacy on behalf of older adults. Dr. Dolinsky is a long-standing member of SeniorCare’s Advisory Council and was a member and Secretary of the Council on Aging in Essex. She co-authored Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Victimological and Psychological Perspective which was published in 2019.
photo of Bev Wiley
Beverly Wiley was recognized as the “Volunteer of the Year” in recognition of her 20 years of service, her leadership, and amazing spirit of generosity at this year’s RSVP Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.