“I am so grateful for SeniorCare. I couldn’t do it without you. Now I have smiles on my face instead of tears in my eyes.”
A North Shore Family Caregiver (December 2024)
SeniorCare is a great addition to Beverly Housing and I am grateful that you are here at Garden City Towers!
Resident at Garden City Towers, Beverly (August 2024)
“I am writing to express my deepest thanks for my wonderful experience yesterday. My days are usually filled with caring for my loved one. I commonly focus my thoughts onto a puzzle or crossword to escape, but I am always alone. Yesterday was about me. I had forgotten what that felt like. I can’t thank the ACT (Assisting Carepartners to Thrive) program enough for giving me the opportunity to feel special. I didn’t know how much I needed it.”
A North Shore Family Caregiver
(story edited to preserve the family’s privacy) (July 2024)
I really appreciate the help I’ve received from SeniorCare’s Caregiver Support Group. It’s made such a difference for me to have the help and support of Jenn (the group facilitator) and the group. I now have a place to go with questions and concerns as they arise. This gives me the opportunity to learn what I need to know as a caregiver and help me feel more confident and equipped to care for my loved ones. I don’t feel alone.
Participant in Caregiver Support Groups (July 2024)
The caregiver class with Abby (workshop facilitator) was fabulous and really helpful as we navigate a new reality with my mom.
Participant in SAVVY Caregiver Workshop (July 2024)
My Options Counseling was very helpful. However, most importantly, she was very concerned & empathetic & a great lady.
Options Counseling Consumer (May 2024)
Seniorcare is a fantastic organization and I don’t know where I would be without their support and guidance. They helped me to purge and pack to be able to move into Federal housing. They continue to support me by offering cleaning, laundry assistance and Meals on Wheels. Whenever I am unsure of which path to take I know that I can call my caseworker and discuss it to come to a sound decision.
Elyssa, Beverly MA (April 2024)
Our driver gave us an excellent ride to our medical appointment. He was a very kind, friendly, wonderful person– and punctual and efficient. We appreciate his dedicate volunteer work. With many thanks to you all!
Medical Transportation Consumer (Dec. 2023)
“I’m 75 years old and pretty isolated. I really, really, really appreciate your services. My driver is such a pleasant person and has such a wonderful smile. She just makes my day.”
Meals on Wheels Consumer (Oct. 2023)
Associated Home Care holds in high regard and deeply appreciates the longstanding partnership we’ve nurtured with SeniorCare. Through our collaborative efforts, we have been able to provide elders with the opportunity to age gracefully and comfortably within the familiar surroundings of their own homes.
Associated Home Care, Service Partner Agency (Sept. 2023)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s an honor to be a part of an organization that gives so much to people in need.
SeniorCare Volunteer (Sept. 2023)
My parents live in another state and both have advanced dementia. SeniorCare’s Options Counselor provided me with invaluable information– helping me to understand what we should expect and giving guidance on how to proceed as long-distance care-givers. Options Counseling saved my sanity!
Options Counseling Recipient (May 2022)
Our Family would like to thank SeniorCare for all your support. The organization has been wonderful and the on-going services (Meals on Wheels, Home Making, Life Line/Medic Alert) he received helped keep our loved one at home.
Thanks so very very much for all your help with transportation for my mother’s medical appointments. We are a small family, and it was daunting thinking about the arrangements without involving outside help (family/friends), which can sometimes get “hairy.” But you made it so easy and doable. The team of people was lovely every-one of them and were so kind and dependable. We have made a donation to SeniorCare in appreciation of the help.