A Matter of Balance (June-August 2023)

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SeniorCare, in conjunction with the Healthy Living Center of Excellence and the Beverly Council on Aging, presents “A Matter of Balance”, Tuesdays, June 13-August 8, 2023, 10am-noon at the Beverly Senior Center, located at 90 Colon Street in Beverly.  “A Matter of Balance” is an eight-week free workshop focusing on educating and supporting older adults around falling and the fear of falling. Through group discussion, practical strategies and light exercising, older adults will reduce the fear and risk of falling, helping them to stay active and involved!

A Matter of Balance is an evidence based program that educates and supports aging adults around falling, and the fear of falling, with emphasis on group discussion and practical strategies to reduce fall factors. Topics such as viewing falls as controllable, setting realistic goals for increasing physical activity and modifying our environments set the stage for creating a personal plan to address mitigating fall risk.

Participants learn to

  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce the risk of falling
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance

Who should attend

  • Anyone concerned about falls
  • Anyone who has fallen in the past
  • Anyone who has restricted activities because of falling
  • Anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength

For information and to register, contact 978-281-1750.