Apr 10, 2020
Dear Community Partners,
We want to continue to update you on the activities at SeniorCare during this fifth weekly update. Please refer to the past weekly messages over the past two to three weeks as information presented remains currently applicable. Past weekly messages can also be found below as well as on our website (www.seniorcareinc.org). We continue to be open for business albeit mostly through telephonic or video means.
Some Updates:
Meals on Wheels & Nutrition
We are delivering all days except Tuesdays. We provide an extra meal on the Monday delivery. This Wednesday we delivered additional frozen meals to folks, which will continue in the coming weeks. I’d like to give a shout out to Beverly Bootstraps for storing our emergency frozen meals. Please refer to our website for “grab and go” meals in some of our communities. Many thanks to our Meals on Wheels drivers and nutrition site staff who have continued to provide this much needed and critically important service.
State Home Care Program
We continue to accept new home care referrals for services and continue to provide in home services through our provider network for currently open home care consumers. Our Care Managers, RN’s, Housing Staff, Caregiver Support staff, and others continues to provide services telephonically. We are seeing that many consumers are cancelling their services for a variety of reasons most notably that folks are worried about people coming into their homes or family/friends are fulfilling folk’s needs.
Protective Services (PS)
We have seen a rather significant decrease in the number of new PS reports being filed. Our PS Caseworkers are continuing to provide services to open cases and are ready, able and willing to respond to new reports. In some cases, our PS staff are conducting their work in person and utilizing PPE to the extent possible. Please continue to report new cases.
Councils on Aging / Senior Centers
We continue our weekly meetings with our partners from the nine Councils on Aging. It is amazing the work that they are doing in their local communities and the information sharing is helping all.
Key Stakeholders
We continue to have weekly meetings with our Mass Home Care Association and with the Executive Office of Elder Affairs with positive results. Next week, we have a conference call with all nine Housing Authorities, local Boards of Health, and our Provider network. Having all nine communities on the same conference line sharing information has been fruitful and will continue till this mess is over.
That’s it for now. For any elders or caregivers who need assistance or services, please have them contact the office at 978-281-1750.
REMEMBER: SeniorCare is open for business and our mission to help elders and adults with disabilities to remain home and in their communities remains our top priority. This applies to assisting caregivers as well, many of whom have had to deal with adult day health programs closing, unemployment, child rearing, their own health conditions and the like.
Be safe and thank you for all you do.
Scott Trenti
CEO, SeniorCare Inc.