NAMI Family to Family

Has your loved one been struggling with mental health issues?

This free course for family and caregivers of individuals affected with mental health conditions.

The course provides family caretakers with education about mental health conditions, skills workshops, and information about available resources. The NAMI Family-to-Family 8-week curriculum is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have lived the journey and relate personally to those seeking knowledge and comfort. It includes:

    • Information about mental health conditions and treatments
    • Coping skills, handling crisis and relapse, local and national resources
    • Listening and communication techniques
    • Problem solving, limit setting, self-care

Most importantly, it offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment. The teachers are NAMI-trained family members who have lived the journey and relate personally to those seeking knowledge and comfort.

The course is entirely private, information shared stays within the group. Meet others who share your struggle, compare notes, and gain new insight. All instruction and course materials are free for class participants. Pre-registration is required. Courses fill up early, so we encourage you to call soon if interested.

NAMI Greater North Shore, the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, will offer a virtual NAMI Family-to-Family course weekly beginning January 10, 2023.

Contact Pat Riley @ 617-548-7037 or register at:—sept-2022#registrants

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