Nov 20, 2021

Every weekday morning, food is delivered to eight staging locations, and 50 volunteers and paid staff begin the task of preparing the day’s Meals on Wheels deliveries to 850 home bound elders living in nine North Shore communities, including the five greater Cape Ann towns.
For some recipients, this meal is their main meal of the day. For others, it is a valuable addition to a limited food budget. For many, the delivery driver is the only person they will see that day.
Senior malnutrition and hunger are significant issues today and Meals on Wheels are one way of helping alleviate the problem. Another major difficulty many home bound elders face is isolation and loneliness. The friendly driver’s smiling face and, when possible, a quick chat are a high point in many lives.
Thank you to our Meals on Wheels team for the gift of your time and your compassion to our older friends.