A Message from SeniorCare CEO

The recent news about federal funding freezes has raised concerns with many non-profit organizations, including SeniorCare Inc. As the Chief Executive Officer, I want to assure you that we are monitoring the situation and remain steadfast in our commitment to providing essential services such as Meals on Wheels, Caregiver Support, Protective Services, and in-Home Assistance for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers across our nine communities. These programs and services, including our Volunteer Program, will continue without interruption.

Funding for Medicare, Medicaid, and other essential programs is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Federal and state funding currently provides a substantial portion of SeniorCare’s annual operating costs and revenue. Disruptions could significantly impact those who rely on us daily.

In response to new federal mandates that prohibit any mention or implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, SeniorCare has made the difficult but necessary decision to end our 24-year partnership with the AmeriCorps Seniors program, effective February 27, 2025. These restrictions are fundamentally incompatible with SeniorCare’s core values as an organization. SeniorCare has always been, and remains, unwavering in our commitment to inclusivity and non-discrimination. We do not, have not, and will not discriminate against anyone under any circumstances.

Our Board and leadership are fully dedicated to sustaining our vital volunteer program and strengthening our collaborations with nonprofit partners across the North Shore. Importantly, this change will have no impact on our current volunteers, who will continue their meaningful work in our communities without interruption. SeniorCare remains committed to fostering a welcoming and equitable environment for all.

Will you donate today to sustain our vital programs? Our unfunded programs such as Volunteer Medical Transportation and STAY Pet Services and our underfunded programs such as our Volunteer Money Management Program, nursing facility Ombudsman Program, Nutrition including Meals on Wheels and others need your help. Your support will help us ensure that residents in our community continue to receive the care they need. Every gift makes an immediate impact.

Thank you for standing with us and supporting our most vulnerable community members and please reach out to me at any time.

With gratitude,

Scott M. Trenti, CEO
SeniorCare Inc.