April is Health Care Decisions Month. A couple years ago, when I heard of this month-long awareness campaign,…
Fear of Falling
The fear of falling as we age is a very real concern. Most of us can tell a…
Request for Proposals FFY2024
Download Statement of Intent Document LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS SeniorCare Inc. Area Agency on Aging requests proposals…
MassHealth Redeterminations 2023
In 2020, the federal government declared a public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, MassHealth…
Home Care During a Worker Shortage
It’s in the news constantly—there is a worker shortage, and some of the hardest hit industries are the…
Laughter’s Health Benefits
A few weeks ago, I was driving to New Hampshire with a couple of friends. Someone said something…
National Slam the Scam Day
Today is National Slam the Scam Day. Slam the Scam Day is an effort by the Social Security…
Avoiding the Grandparent Scam
A while back, I got a call from my Mother. She was really upset and wanted to know…
American Heart Month (2023)
February is American Heart Month. You may have seen women wearing red last week as part of the…
Federal Extra COVID SNAP Benefits to End
Recent action by the federal government ends the extra COVID SNAP benefits, known as SNAP Emergency Allotments, as…