My refrigerator is now packed full of turkey and leftovers. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. To…
Preparing for Power Outages
As the weather turns cold, the chance of a weather-related power outage increases. An extended electrical outage can…
Subaru Share the Love Campaign (2023-2024)
Get a great vehicle and support a great cause. With every new Subaru purchased or leased, Subaru and…
Veterans Day (2023)
Thank you to all veterans for your time, commitment, and sacrifices on behalf of our great country! “This…
SeniorCare’s 51st Anniversary Celebration on Nov 8, 2023
SeniorCare’s 51st Anniversary Celebration was a wonderful evening, due to the generosity of our guests, sponsors, and advertisers.…
National Family Caregiver Month (2023)
November is National Family Caregiver Month and is a time to thank and honor the 40+ million unpaid…
Suicide Prevention for Older Adults
SeniorCare recently partnered with the Samaritans of Merrimack Valley to provide training in “Suicide Prevention for Older Adults”…
Artificial Intelligence
I was listening to the radio this morning and heard an interview with Dr. Neal Yuan of the…
Post Polio Syndrome (2023)
This Tuesday, October 24, is World Polio Day. Many people do not realize that polio still exists. There…
Dealing with Osteoporosis
I’ve heard the term “osteoporosis” throughout my adult life. I knew that it was a weakening condition of…