June 5, 2020 SeniorCare Protective Services Director Renee Carr discussed the issue of Elder Abuse and how SeniorCare…
Family Caregiving on 1623 Studios
May 28, 2020 The pandemic has hit caregivers hard. The people at SeniorCare have a wealth of resources…
Family Traditions and History
May 29, 2020 I love puzzles. It doesn’t matter if it’s a jigsaw puzzle, word search, logic problem,…
Property Fraud
May 22, 2020 A while back, I attended a presentation by the Southern Essex County Registry of Deeds…
Stop the Spread Non-English Documents
May 18, 2020 Thank you to Beth Israel Lahey Health for preparing these “Stop the Spread” documents in…
1623 Studios Interview of CEO Scott Trenti
May 15, 2020 SeniorCare CEO Scott Trenti discusses SeniorCare’s Nutrition & other programs during the Covid19, Older Americans…
Spread the word. Stop the virus.
May 13, 2020 The greatest act of love is answering the call. Why your help matters People in…
COVID-19 Information
Last update: May 6, 2020 At this time, information about the COVID-19 situation is changing continuously. For the…
Older Americans Month 2020
May 1, 2020 Around the nation, older adults make their marks every day as volunteers, employees, employers, parents,…
Boards of Health
Apr 27, 2020 Local Boards of Health have been and continue to be key components in the Covid-19…