Community Service on the North Shore

If you watch the evening news, you might think that the world is going to hell in the proverbial hand-basket.  But, I see a different world when I look at our community.  I see generosity. I see hard work. I see goodness of spirit.

There are hundreds of non-profit organizations on the North Shore.  These groups are doing amazing work to make our homes and communities better.  From the most basic needs of housing and nutrition to the loftier aspirations of art and historic preservation, the North Shore is home to an amazing array of philanthropic groups.

We are never too young to do community service.  Every December, the Ipswich High School Interact Club hosts a “Jingle Bell Walk” and toy drive. Middle and high school students from Rockport recently hand-wrote hundreds of notes, which are being delivered to older area residents. Gloucester High School JROTC students volunteer every year at the SeniorCare Meals on Wheels Fundraiser Breakfast. This is just a small sample of the amazing work being done by youth volunteers throughout the North Shore.

Similarly, our ability to help out doesn’t evaporate as we age. SeniorCare’s Volunteers of the North Shore has over 350 volunteers actively involved in community service to area agencies—providing critically needed assistance such as driving people to medical appointments, delivering meals to home-bound adults, helping prepare tax returns, advocating for the rights of nursing home residents, and much more.

The business community of the North Shore gives back every single day.  Many large employers have charitable foundations specifically designed to support a healthy and thriving community. In addition, many business leaders are members of service organizations such as the Rotary Club, the Lions, or the Elks, and many serve on the Boards of non-profits.

Grassroots groups are constantly emerging as needs are identified.  Generous Gardeners started out as a group of gardeners who swapped and shared their plants.  It has grown to a group that now cares for dozens of public spaces throughout Cape Ann—48 gardens are currently listed on their website. Their work results in the spectacular display of thousands of flowers each year on the Gloucester harbor front promenade at Stacy Boulevard (Rt 127).

Throughout the North Shore, when the pandemic began and personal protective equipment (PPE) was in short supply, crafters started producing masks and other critically needed supplies, delivering to hospitals and to private groups, often utilizing social media to coordinate delivery. Many of us were able to make use of these homemade masks and leave the “real” masks to the first responders and other essential workers until supplies became readily available.  The online community group “Better Together for Cape Ann” grew out of one of these groups and now has thousands of members working together for the improvement of our neighborhoods.

It’s obvious that the community benefits from volunteerism and philanthropy.  But, did you know that volunteering can make you healthier?

Studies have shown that volunteering helps people who donate their time feel more socially connected, thus warding off loneliness and depression. But volunteering has positive implications that go beyond mental health. A growing body of evidence suggests that people who give their time to others might also be rewarded with better physical health—including lower blood pressure and a longer lifespan.

In a report published by United Health Group, over three-quarters of people who volunteered reported that volunteering made them feel physically healthier. Volunteers were more likely than non-volunteers to consider themselves in excellent or very good health, and they were more likely to say that their health improved over the past 12 months. There was an even stronger connection between volunteering and mental/emotional health. The report went on to say that volunteers have better personal scores than non-volunteers on nine well-established measures of emotional wellbeing including personal independence, capacity for rich interpersonal relationships and overall satisfaction with life.  (

I guess the point of this is that we can all contribute to our community, while taking care of ourselves at the same time. Whether coaching the little league team, joining a planning committee for a local festival or parade, or simply buying a box of cookies from a Girl Scout troop, we can all do good in our own way.

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