Salem, Peabody, Lynn, Beverly, Gloucester and surrounding areas
All meals are free of charge and all are welcome!
Due to the COVID19 pandemic many of the previous locations serving meals are changing to “take out” meals or will not be serving a Thanksgiving meal again this year.
- Citizens Inn Haven from Hunger (71 Wallis St, Peabody 978-531-1530) will be providing Thanksgiving meals between 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on Thanksgiving Day. Haven is hoping to offer a sit-down meal but may change to “To-Go” meals depending on building renovations, and covid-19 guidelines.
- Brother’s Deli (41 Market St, Lynn 781-581-3363) will provide “Take Out” Thanksgiving meals that will be available from 8:00am to 2:00pm on Thanksgiving Day.
- My Brother’s Table (98 Willow St, Lynn 781-595-3224) is providing “To-Go” Thanksgiving meals to individuals and families from 12:00 noon to 6:00pm; No volunteers are needed for Thanksgiving Day, but they are in need of volunteers the rest of the year, for more information about volunteering go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040848aaa72da3fb6-volunteer . Extra meals are available for people to take to neighbors, friends, etc. who are unable to pick up a Thanksgiving meal to-go for themselves.
- The Friends of Salem Council on Aging (Salem) are sponsoring home delivered Thanksgiving dinners to Salem seniors this year. To sign up please contact Rosanna Donahue at the Salem Council on Aging (SCOA) at 978-744-0924 to register for a meal by Monday, November 22. The SCOA is working with Brother’s Taverna to provide the dinners.
- Gloucester American Legion is delivering Thanksgiving meals to homebound Cape Ann residents (Gloucester, Rockport, Manchester, Essex, and Ipswich), who may call the Legion at 978-283- 7117 (anytime and leave a message), or email [email protected], by Monday, November 22 at 6:00 pm to sign up by leaving your name, address, phone number, and number of meals. Volunteer drivers are welcome, as well as monetary donations.
- Ellis Square Friends (United Methodist Church, 2 Dane Street, Beverly) will be providing “To-Go” Thanksgiving meal bags at 12 noon on Thanksgiving Day. To sign up, people must RSVP by Friday, November 19, by texting or calling 978-601-3201 or emailing: [email protected]
- Lifebridge (Salem) will not be providing Thanksgiving meals for the general public this year but will serve their current residents and day guests who have signed up only.
- Please contact your local food pantry if you need food to prepare your Thanksgiving dinner at home.
Beverly Bootstraps – 978-927-1561 – www.beverlybootstraps.org
The Open Door – 978-283-6776 – www.foodpantry.org
- “Gina’s Giving Back” provides Thanksgiving food for people to cook dinner in their own homes. If you live on the North Shore and would like to sign up for food delivery, please email Gina at: [email protected], with your name, address, phone number, and number in your household by Friday, November 19. Singles in need of a “heat and eat” Thanksgiving meal may also email Gina.
This information courtesy of North Shore Community Action Programs